This heart is fake
As Ive been told;
No loving hearts
Can make it whole,
No dam lights
above can treasure it Now;
For now I…….
Live in forever sorrow,
Of they dying world
I left behind, with no thought at all.
You loved whats not ment to love
As though u do what u want anyways;
For this heart is now ripped
Right out;
i feel your fake as i was
Know i suffer more inside me
now one can jugde me
this face so cold
i feel i am suffering what love has
to offer thy heart thats decaying.
But yet u punish me anyways
to breath is hard enough
I feel sick with dout
know you feel what i felt
but not good enough.
to bleed is a sign of pureaty
not nowing were it takes me.
thses stupide friends
cant emagin how i feel
so for all of u just shut your mouth,
firends are better of dead
as my head begins to hurt
i youth this pain of self hurt.
until i rise again i will be silent in shame.