
Be My Rock

Leaves blow away and weather will change
Holidays will pass in joy
Tragedies and trials pass in sorrow and woe

Animals and plant die out and away
Humans move on to another life
And very few people have little to say

They say each person can make a difference
I add But only if you try

They say that they love their neighbors
But yet they argue sue fight and cry

They are full of words and faith
Yet work doesn't accompany them

You are full of actions
They are your words

The love you show all
And compassion you present
Is startling to behold

You do make a difference in a life
My life is changed forever more

Our paths will part for a year or two
But maybe, just maybe the will join
Oh I can imagine the cheer

The leaves might blow but the rocks stay till
Please my love be my rock and I will be yours
For my life is always spring when you are close.